Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NaNoWriMo 2008

Another November, another novel!

I've decided to jump back onto the novel-writing wagon and have signed up for National Novel Writing Month again. However this year I have signed up to be the Municipal Liaison for Saskatoon and area, which means that I am organizing things like coffee get-togethers, write-ins at the public library, and parties to kick-off and celebrate the completion of NaNoWriMo. I'm hoping that this will provide the following benefits:

  1. It will create increased incentive to fight through and finish the novel.
  2. Having more to do will make me more productive in my leisure time.

If you would like to see how I'm doing you can come back to this post.

This is my current wordcount:

Saskatchewan has also challenged a couple of other regions in our annual... challenge against other regions called the Incredible International Challenge. This year we're competing against our annual nemesis, Montana, and a new one, Edinburgh. However, we've tried to lead them on to thinking they're each teaming up with us against the other one. This way we're guaranteed to win!

Soon Melbourne, Australia found out about our plan and declared war on us. Then their nemesis Nashville, Tenn. jumped to support us! It's like a World Word War! Here's the overall wordcount for these regions so far (SK, MT, Edinburgh, Melbourne, Nashville):

During the Incredible International Challenge participating regions will contend for these awards:

  • The"We Are The Champions" Award goes to the region with the most winners.
  • The "We Are Also The Champions" Award goes to the region with the highest percentage of winners (take the number of winners and divide by the number of people who signed up and posted a word count).
  • The "Carpal Tunnel Award" goes to the region that writes the most words in total.
  • The "Loquacious Grandeur Award" goes to the region with the highest average number of words written (take the total words written and divide by the number of people who signed up and posted a word count).
  • The "Everybody Gets An Award" Award goes to any region who has not already won an award. In the spirit of Nanowrimo, every region who participates will be a winner!

To help raise money for NaNoWriMo I'd like to ask people to use GoodSearch for their websearches in November, and choose to support the Office of Letters and Light (which organizes NaNoWriMo). Every time someone searches through that Yahoo makes a small donation. If you would like to goad me on by making a donation, you can do so through my page on Firstgiving.

All in all it's looking to be another fun NaNo!