Sunday, May 29, 2005

I knew it! And errata.

Yesterday at a pool party I mentioned about how some dogs had been trained to sniff out cancer. The crowd was skeptical. I offer as proof this article from the British Journal of Medicine: Olfactory detection of human bladder cancer by dogs: proof of principle study

However, I did misremember another fact. Hunter S. Thompson is not going to be shot into space. His ashes are merely to be shot out of a cannon.


Anonymous said...

I think 'they' need to train dogs to sniff out tall tales - inveterate liars, urban mythologizers - oh, and all the scientists who sometimes find really weird functions for animals. -- J

Lorianne in Saskatoon said...

They should also train dogs to kick people off their computers so they don't spend 4 hours on the internet - sigh.