I guess I was so busy last weekend that I completely missed hearing about this remarkable achievement. ;-)
I actually heard an interview on CBC radio earlier this month when Suresh Joachim set a world record for rocking in a rocking chair. He wants to set the world record for the most world records. He uses these records as an opportunity to raise money for the Universal Fund for Suffering Children. He and his wife set three world records at their wedding: most groomsmen, most bridesmaids, and longest wedding bouquet.
I can't say I feel very inspired to beat him, but a solo dance marathon does sound fun.
Friday, September 30, 2005
25 Things to do for Fun
My friend Tanya and I have been feeling like we haven't been having enough fun lately. She thought it would be a good idea if we each made a list of fun things to do. Here's what I came up with at work today, if you'd like someone else to think of something for you to do:
- See a movie
- Make a movie
- Body painting
- Draw on a pregnant belly
- Karaoke
- Go swimming
- Try to make a food explode
- Make up a silly choreography
- Write a story with someone, alternating sentences/paragraphs/whatever
- Write a sappy love song
- Make some food, show up on a friend's doorstep, and invite yourself over for supper
- Pin someone down and tickle them
- Use a soundboard and prank call someone
- Race to see who can take the longest to eat a chocolate bar
- Invent a martial art
- Make up a language for you and your friends to use
- Wear frilly underwear like a little girl would
- Lie in the grass and watch the clouds/stars/birds/meteors/monsters/etc.
- Invent a new sandwich
- Synchronized sunflower seed spitting
- Makeover or spa night at home
- Go to a park and watch kids play
- Pretend to be supermodels and take pictures of each other in model poses
- Make up names for body parts that don't need names
- Develop a very silly walk indeed
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Aaaagh! I Know I Shouldn't ...
but I'm finding myself thinking about NaNoWriMo again this year. I actually bought No Plot, No Problem from Amazon yesterday. Today I thought of a novel idea too: "Imaginary Adventures of my Friends in Other Cities." Pretty much speaks for itself. The way to tie it all together would be if I went to other cities and visited my friends there, and I could witness their adventures or be told of them. 50,000 words though? Can't be too sure....
A Thousand Metres Underground
... is where I was on Saturday evening. I got to go on a tour of a potash mine just a little ways west of town. Jay's dad is one of the head safety guys there, and it was 'family tour and barbecue day' so Jay was able to get me and Brad in for a tour. It was pretty okay. The mill was loud and the tour guide started talking before everyone got to the stops he wanted to show us. Thus I have a pretty poor understanding of the potash processing. The mine tour was more interesting. We took a 3 1/2 minute elevator ride underground, then we sat in Land Cruisers while a mine employee drove us out to where some mining was being done. They had us go out in front of the big mining machine so we could see it operate. Let me just say that breathing in salty dust is not the most pleasant experience. There was a mild burning sensation in my nasal passages, so I decided to mouth breathe. The cloud of dust rushed into my mouth, tasting of salt. I like it more when air has no taste. The smell of the mine reminded me of a really mild version of what an anatomy lab smells like. I thought it might be pretty freaky to think of being underground like that, but it really just felt like you were driving in a really long corridor. I think it would be a pretty creepy place to be all by yourself. It's quite dark in most places, and there's a conveyor belt that extends the entire length of the mine. It makes lots of creaking and thumping noises, and when there aren't any machines operating that's the only noise you hear. All in all it was an interesting tour, but I'm glad I don't have to go to work there everyday.
P.S. Don't take a handful of salt product in your hand when you have a cut on your palm. Ow ow ow ow ow!
P.S. Don't take a handful of salt product in your hand when you have a cut on your palm. Ow ow ow ow ow!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Shine Day
As you might notice from my little bio I am a physical therapy student at the University of Saskatchewan. Every September we participate in a fundraising event called Shinerama, where we shine shoes to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis treatment and research. Yesterday was shine day and as a college we raised over $5000 - yay us! There were probably nearly 80 of us who participated.
Anyway, I had a really good time doing it this year. In the morning I was with my partners at a fairly busy mall, largely populated by retired people during the day (Market Mall). I found it to be a good opportunity to get to know some of my classmates a little better. There were also two highlights:
Anyway, I had a really good time doing it this year. In the morning I was with my partners at a fairly busy mall, largely populated by retired people during the day (Market Mall). I found it to be a good opportunity to get to know some of my classmates a little better. There were also two highlights:
- When one guy put his money into the slot, he also dropped what appeared to be his grocery list into the box. Examining it later we found that it said "tomatoes, cheese, dinner buns - nice bum!" It was pretty funny....
- A driver for a seniors residence made several drop offs and pick ups while we were standing at the entrance. I don't recall him donating, but once he came out of the mall with half a dozen doughnuts for the three of us! Very sweet man!
What kind of belly dancer are you? Quiz
You are an American Tribal Style Belly Dancer! So
it's not one hundred percent authentic, but who
cares? It looks really cool, you have a great
time doing it and the costumes are fantastic.
You're not into all the glitz of cabaret but
you can never have too many Kuchi medallions on
your turban. Undulate on, tribal chick!
What Kind of Belly Dancer are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Google Blog Search
So, in the interest of testing out the new blog search service from google, I decided to look up 'Lorianne' to find my blog. Now I'd like to share with you blogs by other Loriannes:
- Dr. Lorianne DiSabato's blogs Hoarded Ordinaries, Dr. D's Domain, and Creative Mindfulness
- Lorianne nolastname's blog Minutia
- Lorianne otherdifferentnolastname's blog at X111.com
- LoriAnne yetanothernolastname's blog Women Writers
- Lorianne lastnamenotgiven's blog c'est la vie
- Lorianne nosurname's blog The Straightest Edge
- Lorianne guesswhatnolastname's blog at LiveJournal
- Lorianne nolastnameinFrance's blog Carpe Diem
(I know, I know, finally something new here!)
Now that I'm back at school I'm finding I'm having quite a few new experiences:
Now that I'm back at school I'm finding I'm having quite a few new experiences:
- I belong to a new class of students and have had to learn 29 names
- I got a new mattress set for my bed, and have been sleeping quite comfortably for the past week
- I got a new computer - how do you like it? ;-)
- I joined a recreational ultimate disc (i.e. frisbee) team... I haven't been involved in a team sport for 15 years.
- I went to a party with a hottub in a van. Very fun!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
I'm such a sucker...
I don't know why, but I got the theme song to Earthworm Jim in my mind today. Now I want to get this. Earthworm Jim was one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen. There was a lot of wordplay in the dialogue, and the evildoers always had great names: Queen Slug-for-a-Butt, Evil the Cat, Henchrat, etc. And Princess What's-Her-Name, daughter of Queen Slug-for-a-Butt if I remember correctly, reminds me of a similar character in Willow. I thought that there had been more than eight episodes, but I guess I was wrong. Do I dare spend my money on this???
Edit (Sept. 13/05):
For some "memorable" quotes from the Earthworm Jim show, check out this.
Edit (Sept. 13/05):
For some "memorable" quotes from the Earthworm Jim show, check out this.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Back to School
Today was the first day of classes for most students at the U of S. For me it was the first day of class, since I only had one class. Wow, I totally forgot how hard it is to just sit and listen to someone for an hour at a time. I need to start wearing my focus hat... if such a thing only existed!
First day of class and I'm already behind in my reading - or at least I will be tomorrow!
Oh! I almost forgot! Today when I was at the Admin building a girl working there recognized me. She said she'd seen me around a lot. The main reason why she recognizes me is that I look pretty much exactly the same as her friend Phaedra (not sure of the spelling). Now, when most people say you look just like so and so there might be a few features in common, but you don't really look that similar. I've actually met Phaedra once. She was in the audience at a dance performance once, and somebody introduced us. She was a little heavier than me, but she looked just like me! Unfortunately I was wearing a turban and had weird dance make-up on, so she couldn't really see it herself.
That's such a weird thing though - knowing there's someone out there who looks just like you. I wonder how old she is? I wonder what her life is like? It's hard to believe that someone who looks so much like me, isn't related to me. She should be my long lost twin. Hmmmmm.
First day of class and I'm already behind in my reading - or at least I will be tomorrow!
Oh! I almost forgot! Today when I was at the Admin building a girl working there recognized me. She said she'd seen me around a lot. The main reason why she recognizes me is that I look pretty much exactly the same as her friend Phaedra (not sure of the spelling). Now, when most people say you look just like so and so there might be a few features in common, but you don't really look that similar. I've actually met Phaedra once. She was in the audience at a dance performance once, and somebody introduced us. She was a little heavier than me, but she looked just like me! Unfortunately I was wearing a turban and had weird dance make-up on, so she couldn't really see it herself.
That's such a weird thing though - knowing there's someone out there who looks just like you. I wonder how old she is? I wonder what her life is like? It's hard to believe that someone who looks so much like me, isn't related to me. She should be my long lost twin. Hmmmmm.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
I'm one hot doll!

If I was a paper doll, this is what I'd look like! Cool shoes, hey! (... I have way too much time on my hands.)
American Natural and Unnatural Disasters
American govenment officials have been commenting quite a bit about how the situation in New Orleans was really two back-to-back disasters, and that nothing like that had ever occurred before. Maybe not in their lifetime, but nearly a century ago there was the famous San Francisco earthquake. It was followed by a devastating fire, since extinguishing fires was hampered by water lines that had been broken during the earthquake.
Here are some numbers from back then (taken from a website by U.S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program):
Dead - more than 3,000 (including the chief of fire departments - bad news that one)
Homeless - 225,000 from a total population of about 400,000
Buildings destroyed - over 28,000
Monetary loss - more than $400,000,000!!!!!!!
I've also found a first hand report of the earthquake written by Edith Weatherred. One paragraph in particular caught my eye, as it shows interesting similarities and differences to the situation in New Orleans right now:
To learn more about the earthquake, you could also read the official report from 1907. If you would like to look at pictures, I'd suggest this site.
Here are some numbers from back then (taken from a website by U.S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Program):
Dead - more than 3,000 (including the chief of fire departments - bad news that one)
Homeless - 225,000 from a total population of about 400,000
Buildings destroyed - over 28,000
Monetary loss - more than $400,000,000!!!!!!!
I've also found a first hand report of the earthquake written by Edith Weatherred. One paragraph in particular caught my eye, as it shows interesting similarities and differences to the situation in New Orleans right now:
There was hurrying to get together families and friends. Excitement ran high but people were gently one with the other as they crowded in the middle of the streets, each moment fully expecting the earth to again be set in motion. Faces appeared at windows calling for help. The wounded and dying fell by the way. Thousands crowded the open squares in the heart of the city. The scenes were appalling. Those fortunate enough to get together a few personal effects were piling them in heaps in the square. Beds were made for the wounded, and, before one could realize it, the National Guards, Federal soldiers, Red Cross Society and other good people were setting up tents and tenderly caring for the sick and the dead.It seems as though people were more cooperative in that crisis, but the horror of death and destruction was equal. Help, according to this account, was also accessible more quickly. My guess is that looting was largely prevented by this.
To learn more about the earthquake, you could also read the official report from 1907. If you would like to look at pictures, I'd suggest this site.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
A Dancing Day
It's always cool to run into one of my fans. This morning I was buying makeup at a warehouse sale and one of the cashiers asked if I was the girl who danced Meditation, Spiritualism, and Love. She remembered seeing me perform that at the Fringe (which would have been 4 or 5 years ago), and apparently really liked my dancing. Crazy.
Tonight we performed at a wedding in Borden. The bride is a woman who used to perform with us, but for the last couple years she's been busy operating the Sand Castle Ranch outside of Borden. The audience was quite good. It was easy to get them to come up and dance with us, and they even seemed to enjoy it! Very cool.
Tonight we performed at a wedding in Borden. The bride is a woman who used to perform with us, but for the last couple years she's been busy operating the Sand Castle Ranch outside of Borden. The audience was quite good. It was easy to get them to come up and dance with us, and they even seemed to enjoy it! Very cool.
Friday, September 02, 2005
New Orleans' blogs
I've spent several hours reading blogs written by some people from New Orleans.
I just wanted to share an entry from the first one I read Sept. 1 check it out here . Reading the comments section is pretty disturbing: for example, one guy is posting under the name David Duke (who was a white supremicist in the news something like 10-15 years ago).
Another one (this one was mentioned on CNN) is written by a guy who has locked himself up at work since before the hurricane hit. He used to be in the army, and he's really gotten into soldier mode. He just started it up on Aug. 26, something for his friends to read, and now there are people reading his blog from all over the world It's been very interesting to read. http://mgno.com/
Here are some pictures they've taken http://www.tampabusiness.com/directnic/
He is supplying live video feed from three different URLs (all the same footage). Sometimes it shows the city, other times it shows the people at his workplace:
I just wanted to share an entry from the first one I read Sept. 1 check it out here . Reading the comments section is pretty disturbing: for example, one guy is posting under the name David Duke (who was a white supremicist in the news something like 10-15 years ago).
Another one (this one was mentioned on CNN) is written by a guy who has locked himself up at work since before the hurricane hit. He used to be in the army, and he's really gotten into soldier mode. He just started it up on Aug. 26, something for his friends to read, and now there are people reading his blog from all over the world It's been very interesting to read. http://mgno.com/
Here are some pictures they've taken http://www.tampabusiness.com/directnic/
He is supplying live video feed from three different URLs (all the same footage). Sometimes it shows the city, other times it shows the people at his workplace:
Getting to know your friends
Welcome to the Summer 2005 edition of getting to know your friends. What you are supposed to do is copy this entire e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that you'll send. Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to a whole bunch of people including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends and family, if you did not know them already. Don't forget to send it back!!!
1. First name: Lorianne
2. Were you named after anyone? I was creatively named after my great grandmother Laura, and we share the same initials (her maiden name was Errickson) . . . at least until she got married. I inherited a watch that used to be hers, but it was engraved after she was married. If I want those initials to fit, then I'll have to marry a guy whose last name starts with B and I'll also have to feel inclined to change my name.
3. Do you wish on stars? No, but I remember doing that as a kid, staring at the sky out my bedroom window. Brings back good memories.
4. When did you last cry? Last weekend, I think or a couple days before that - August 25ish.
5. Do you like your handwriting? no. I tend to print, and haven't used writing in years.
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? summer sausage?
7. What is your birth date? February 25, 1974
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? I got rid of all the CDs I didn't like last weekend, so I just own good music now!
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with yourself? Yes, and we'd have a great time.
10. Are you a daredevil? I am more likely to say crazy things to do than to actually do them.
11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?
Yes, but only to people who didn't know that person. You know, venting to people who could have no idea who the person was, it's safer.
12. Do looks matter? Somewhat, but I find myself much more attracted to behaviours.
13. How do you release anger? I go silent and fume.
14. Where is your second home? I guess that would be Jay's place. I mean, if he's going to be gone, someone may as well be living there! ;-)
15. Do you trust others too easily? No, probably the opposite.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? Hmmm, my favourite stuffed toy was Pungee, some sort of weird knitted dog/bear/animal thing with a shirt and socks. His neck didn't have enough stuffing, so he looks pretty freaky with his head hanging down all floppy.
17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless? none
18. Do you have a journal? Does this blog count?
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? whatever....
20. Favorite movie(s). Monty Python movies, Princess Bride, Willow, Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Man with Two Brains, The Shawshank Redemption, Dead Again
21. What are your nicknames(acceptable)? Lori . . . I don't think I've had a nickname since high school
22. Would you bungee jump? No, the thought of jumping off of something and stopping seems jarring. Don't feel like doing that to my joints. I'm probably still a little afraid of heights too.
23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? not usually
24. Do you think that you are strong? Yeah, but only because people tell me I am. It's mostly due to core body strength, so I can use my legs to power upper body movements.
25. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? not sure, something fruity
26. What size of shoe do you wear? 6 or 6 1/2
27. What are your favorite colors? green, orange, and purple
28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I wish I felt better about myself.
29. Who do you miss most? Probably Debbie. We got to know each other well only in the two weeks before she moved away. It's kind of like getting cheated out of having a really fabulous friend.
30. Do you want everyone you send this to to send it back? Sure, either e-mail it to me or leave a comment where I can find it
31. What color pants are you wearing? But I'm not wearing any pants... just kidding, darkish blue (jeans)
32. What are you listening to right now? CNN in the other room, and my neighbour's lawn mower
33. What was the last thing you ate? free pancakes and sausages
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? orange
35. What is the weather like right now? sunny and breezy
36. Last person you talked to on the phone? my boss, Mindy
37. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? faces
38. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes, she's even shorter than me! :-p
39. Favorite Drink? water
40. Favorite sport? to watch: short track speed skating, to participate in: ultimate frisbee
41. Hair Color? blonde
42. Do you wear contacts? nope, hardly even need my glasses
43. Favorite Food? pizza
44. Last Movie You Watched? Adaptation (at least there's someone in the world who is at least as messed up as me)
45. Favorite Day of the Year: Any 25th day of the month, because I can countdown both Christmas and my birthday
46. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy Endings
47. Summer or winter? Summer
48. Hugs or kisses? both please
49. What is Your Favorite Dessert? Key Lime pie is pretty good
50. Who is most likely to respond? loaded question - not answering
51. Who is least likely to respond? loaded question - not answering
52. Where Would You Want to Go on your Next Vacation? My dream vacation is a Mediterranean cruise.
53. What Books are you reading? The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Classics of Western Literature: Bloom County 1986-1989 (remember that comic strip? Very funny, and I enjoy the political commentary even 20 years later)
54. What's on your mouse pad? don't have one
55. What did you Watch Last Night on TV? CNN coverage of Hurricane Katrina (getting a little obsessed too, but it's so heartbreaking)
56. Favorite Smells? new leaves in spring, cookies baking in the oven
57. Rolling Stones or the Beatles? The Beatles
58. What's the furthest you've been away from home? Probably either southern Wisconsin or western Washington state
1. First name: Lorianne
2. Were you named after anyone? I was creatively named after my great grandmother Laura, and we share the same initials (her maiden name was Errickson) . . . at least until she got married. I inherited a watch that used to be hers, but it was engraved after she was married. If I want those initials to fit, then I'll have to marry a guy whose last name starts with B and I'll also have to feel inclined to change my name.
3. Do you wish on stars? No, but I remember doing that as a kid, staring at the sky out my bedroom window. Brings back good memories.
4. When did you last cry? Last weekend, I think or a couple days before that - August 25ish.
5. Do you like your handwriting? no. I tend to print, and haven't used writing in years.
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? summer sausage?
7. What is your birth date? February 25, 1974
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? I got rid of all the CDs I didn't like last weekend, so I just own good music now!
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with yourself? Yes, and we'd have a great time.
10. Are you a daredevil? I am more likely to say crazy things to do than to actually do them.
11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?
Yes, but only to people who didn't know that person. You know, venting to people who could have no idea who the person was, it's safer.
12. Do looks matter? Somewhat, but I find myself much more attracted to behaviours.
13. How do you release anger? I go silent and fume.
14. Where is your second home? I guess that would be Jay's place. I mean, if he's going to be gone, someone may as well be living there! ;-)
15. Do you trust others too easily? No, probably the opposite.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? Hmmm, my favourite stuffed toy was Pungee, some sort of weird knitted dog/bear/animal thing with a shirt and socks. His neck didn't have enough stuffing, so he looks pretty freaky with his head hanging down all floppy.
17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless? none
18. Do you have a journal? Does this blog count?
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? whatever....
20. Favorite movie(s). Monty Python movies, Princess Bride, Willow, Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Man with Two Brains, The Shawshank Redemption, Dead Again
21. What are your nicknames(acceptable)? Lori . . . I don't think I've had a nickname since high school
22. Would you bungee jump? No, the thought of jumping off of something and stopping seems jarring. Don't feel like doing that to my joints. I'm probably still a little afraid of heights too.
23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? not usually
24. Do you think that you are strong? Yeah, but only because people tell me I am. It's mostly due to core body strength, so I can use my legs to power upper body movements.
25. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? not sure, something fruity
26. What size of shoe do you wear? 6 or 6 1/2
27. What are your favorite colors? green, orange, and purple
28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I wish I felt better about myself.
29. Who do you miss most? Probably Debbie. We got to know each other well only in the two weeks before she moved away. It's kind of like getting cheated out of having a really fabulous friend.
30. Do you want everyone you send this to to send it back? Sure, either e-mail it to me or leave a comment where I can find it
31. What color pants are you wearing? But I'm not wearing any pants... just kidding, darkish blue (jeans)
32. What are you listening to right now? CNN in the other room, and my neighbour's lawn mower
33. What was the last thing you ate? free pancakes and sausages
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? orange
35. What is the weather like right now? sunny and breezy
36. Last person you talked to on the phone? my boss, Mindy
37. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? faces
38. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes, she's even shorter than me! :-p
39. Favorite Drink? water
40. Favorite sport? to watch: short track speed skating, to participate in: ultimate frisbee
41. Hair Color? blonde
42. Do you wear contacts? nope, hardly even need my glasses
43. Favorite Food? pizza
44. Last Movie You Watched? Adaptation (at least there's someone in the world who is at least as messed up as me)
45. Favorite Day of the Year: Any 25th day of the month, because I can countdown both Christmas and my birthday
46. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy Endings
47. Summer or winter? Summer
48. Hugs or kisses? both please
49. What is Your Favorite Dessert? Key Lime pie is pretty good
50. Who is most likely to respond? loaded question - not answering
51. Who is least likely to respond? loaded question - not answering
52. Where Would You Want to Go on your Next Vacation? My dream vacation is a Mediterranean cruise.
53. What Books are you reading? The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Classics of Western Literature: Bloom County 1986-1989 (remember that comic strip? Very funny, and I enjoy the political commentary even 20 years later)
54. What's on your mouse pad? don't have one
55. What did you Watch Last Night on TV? CNN coverage of Hurricane Katrina (getting a little obsessed too, but it's so heartbreaking)
56. Favorite Smells? new leaves in spring, cookies baking in the oven
57. Rolling Stones or the Beatles? The Beatles
58. What's the furthest you've been away from home? Probably either southern Wisconsin or western Washington state
On Sunday Saskatchewan celebrates its official 100th anniversary of provincedom. Today, however, there was a free pancake breakfast (with Saskatoon berry syrup!) in downtown Saskatoon featuring Premier Lorne Calvert and Prime Minister Paul Martin. When my mom and I arrived Paul Martin was just finishing his speech, then there were a bunch of unremarkable speeches by the other politicians who were present. The Premier got a cheap cheer by making some comment about the Roughriders. Ugh. The MC tried to introduce all these politicians like they were rock stars. It felt very superficial. I don't seem to have much enthusiasm about these sorts of things . . . particularly at 9 am I guess.
Anyway, on his way out Paul Martin passed by the line where I was waiting for pancakes, so I got to shake his hand. Later on Brad Trost (a local member of parliament) also shook my hand. Now I feel all covered in politician cooties. I hope it's not infectious.
Anyway, on his way out Paul Martin passed by the line where I was waiting for pancakes, so I got to shake his hand. Later on Brad Trost (a local member of parliament) also shook my hand. Now I feel all covered in politician cooties. I hope it's not infectious.
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