Friday, September 23, 2005

Shine Day

As you might notice from my little bio I am a physical therapy student at the University of Saskatchewan. Every September we participate in a fundraising event called Shinerama, where we shine shoes to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis treatment and research. Yesterday was shine day and as a college we raised over $5000 - yay us! There were probably nearly 80 of us who participated.

Anyway, I had a really good time doing it this year. In the morning I was with my partners at a fairly busy mall, largely populated by retired people during the day (Market Mall). I found it to be a good opportunity to get to know some of my classmates a little better. There were also two highlights:
  1. When one guy put his money into the slot, he also dropped what appeared to be his grocery list into the box. Examining it later we found that it said "tomatoes, cheese, dinner buns - nice bum!" It was pretty funny....
  2. A driver for a seniors residence made several drop offs and pick ups while we were standing at the entrance. I don't recall him donating, but once he came out of the mall with half a dozen doughnuts for the three of us! Very sweet man!
Then in the evening we had free pizza and pop, the same as every year, and I helped roll money. They had a quick draw at the end of the evening and I won some Jelly Bellies and six free games of bowling at Eastview Bowl. Woohoo!

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