Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mouse River, Souris River

Tomato, tomate. According to this story from CBC News, some counties in North Dakota have opted to call the Souris River by its English translation: Mouse River. "We don't speak French here" a guy was quoted as saying.

What if other American place names were translated into English?

Des Moines, Iowa --> Some Monks, Iowa
Des Lacs, North Dakota --> Some Lakes, North Dakota
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho --> Alene's Heart, Idaho
Lac qui Parle, Minnesota --> Lake that Talks, Minnesota
La Salle, Minnesota --> The Room, Minnesota
La Grange, Wyoming --> The Barn, Wyoming

It just doesn't have the same ring, does it?

I really like some of the French names we have in Saskatchewan (where few people speak French). Bienfait (pronounced like 'bean fate') translates to 'well done' in English. My favourite would have to be the Qu'appelle Valley (and river). It's such a beautiful place, and the name is sort of mysterious ('what's calling?'): it's a romantic combination and I just can't imagine ever wanting to change it.

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