Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Little Bit of Saskatoon History

Those of you who know me know that I'm a bit of a local history buff. I spent much of the evening tonight wandering around the internet looking at historical pictures of Saskatoon, and reading about the mayors we've had! My original intention was to find this picture of a man who lost a leg in World War One. What's so special about him is that he taught himself how to figure skate with only one leg! I wish I could have seen that! Here's the story about Norman Falkner (along with some other interesting stories from Saskatoon's early days.)

I also found a site with some pictures from Saskatoon (up to 1949). If you click on the picture labelled '1929' at the bottom, then scroll down to the sixth picture on that page you can see what my neighbourhood looked like in the 1920s. I'm going to have to look up Tuxedo Park sometime...

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