Monday, October 30, 2006

'Tis the Season!

No, not Christmas. It's time for NaNoWriMo again! I've signed up to participate. I'm not sure what sort of commitment I can really maintain this year, but what the hey! Maybe it will get me motivated to do my homework sometime...

I doubt I'll have time to blog how things are going this time. For detailed stats you can see a chart at the NaNoWriMo site.

I've been trying to think of rewards that I might give myself if I succeed. Here's my thoughts so far:
  • at 12500 words I'll buy myself a Geocoin (a trackable coin to put in geocaches)
  • at 25000 words I'll buy myself a dance DVD (maybe Rachel Brice's fusion one)
  • at 37500 words I'll buy myself another Geocoin
  • at 50000 words I'll buy myself a set of 4 Travel Bug tags
Wish me luck!

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