Wednesday, November 09, 2005

NaNo - Day 9, part 2

Woohoo! Crossed the 10000 word mark, which means I'm 20% done. My 10000th word is "it." Not the most exciting word, but it still feels good anyway. I still might do some more writing later, after my dance classes tonight. We shall see.

Today's word count goal: 9500
Actual word count: 10065

Edit: I did indeed write after class. Word count is now 10368. Well on my way to tomorrow's goal.


Elan Morgan said...

Thanks for stopping by my site. I hope you keep plugging away at this NaNoWriMo thing, too. You've come further than I have!

By the way, that previous comment is disguised spam. You can avoid it if you log into Blogger, go to Settings, then Comments, and choose to turn on word verification for posting comments. That pretty much puts and end to it.

Lorianne in Saskatoon said...

I've deleted several spam messages. I kept this one because it seemed like more of a legitimate blog. I didn't want to block anonymous posts, but it didn't occur to me to have word verification. Thanks!

Now go write!