Friday, May 13, 2005

The big life change

So, even though I'm getting older it seems like there are still some big life changes happening. Most recently, last weekend I bought a purse. Now for most women this probably is not a big deal, but I've never been much of a slave to fashion. I did have dress purses for special occasions, but a day-to-day purse was just something I never felt was truly necessary for me. And it seemed like most things I needed to carry around would fit in my pockets. These days, however, pockets are just so inadequate. I have a wallet, keys, glasses case, day planner, cell phone, and a water bottle to carry around most of the time. Really it was the glasses case that pushed me into buying a purse. And I got the glasses because of mild nearsightedness and astigmatism. So really this whole purse issue is due to the aging process. Maybe it's also a way of bringing some stability into my life. Most people my age are starting families or buying houses. Me, I bought a purse.


Lauralea said...

I popped over from Lyn's blog. I think I'd like you! I'm Robyn's sister in law; Lyn can vouch for me, (insofar as I'm not a stalker!) My major purchase this month has also been a purse, and also because of the glasses case. I've had spectacles since I was 8, (for more years than I like to admit!), but last summer I had my spare pair tinted. I was finding it awkward to carry around the case with the sunglasses in. At our youth garage sale at church, I found a nice little purse that has a pocket just perfect for the case. The eye/age thing that's been getting to me, is the optometrist's prophesy that I'd soon discard my glasses for close up things. I HATE that he was right, and I have to push my glasses up to read pill bottles, and thread needles... life goes on!

Lorianne in Saskatoon said...

lol! Hi Laura! Thanks for popping over!