Friday, November 11, 2005

NaNo - Day 11

Had a good writing day. I'm still a full day ahead of my plan, and only a few thousand words behind where I should be if I was writing 1667 words a day. I tried some word wars today, and that was kind of cool. NaNoWriMo has an online chat area, and people can set it up to have timed writing sessions called word wars. It tells you when to begin and when to end, then you tell it how many words you wrote. It keeps track of the total for you, and today I wrote over 2000 words while engaging in word wars.

My main character went to Amigo's but her date wasn't there yet, so she's sitting with a couple of friends chatting while a weird band finishes their set on stage. My main character's best friend is all weirded out because Joel, her English prof, is there. Just wait until she finds out he's in the next band that performs!

Today's word goal: 12000
Actual word count: 15048

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