Wednesday, November 16, 2005

NaNo - Day 16

Well, didn't write until after my dance classes tonight. I don't really feel like I'm advancing the story too much, but I realized my main character (MC) was spending more time with her study partner than with her love interest. I thought it might be hard to believe that she even really had a relationship with him! So they're hanging out right now. He showed up at her place, and was waiting for her there when she got off work. They kissed some, and now she's eating supper and trying to get him to tell her something interesting so that he's not just watching her eat. Actually, it's more like I'm trying to get him to tell her something interesting so that he's not just watching her eat! These characters, they are putty in my hands to do what with as I will! Bwahahahahahahaha!

So anyway, when I finished up writing tonight I was tied for 3635th place. Go me.

Word count goal: 26672
Actual word count: 27022

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