Sunday, November 13, 2005

NaNo - Day 13

Whew! I've done not a lot this weekend, except work on my novel. I wrote quite a bit again today, pretty much all during word wars. Last I checked I was in 3939th place. Today some of us WriMos (i.e. people participating in NaNoWriMo) got together for coffee. We try to get together every Sunday. There was even 2 new people there today! Yay! Newbies!

Also, in the "I Hate Myself and Want to Die" forum in NaNoWriMo, somebody started up a NO QUIT club. Today I made up a file with the names of everyone who posted there and what their wordcount is. In a couple days I will go back, check the wordcounts of those people, then list everyone there who has not yet quit (i.e. they updated their word count since Friday). Right now there is 66 people. Probably a pretty big job, but I'm feeling like things are going pretty well, so I'd like to be able to congratulate the other people who keep trucking along.

I had my second cameo in my novel today, and Lynette you're mentioned there too. Unfortunately I can't quote it here because my novel is on a laptop without a CD burner, and my desktop computer has no floppy drive. You'll just have to wait until I get around to that, I guess.

Today's word goal: 18000
Actual word count: 21201

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