Tuesday, November 22, 2005

NaNo - Day 22

Man, writing is sure feeling like pulling out fingernails lately. I wrote for a while today, but not for very long. I decided that today was the day that I would follow through with another word padding technique: going back and replacing contractions with their two-word forms, and changing hyphens to spaces. That added over 700 words for my word count today.

So yeah, I was writing and the love interest guy who had been so promising just a couple days ago turned into a total dink, so my main character broke up with him. The main problem with that is that now I have to write that they get back together so that they can break up at the novel's climax. It's been a tough relationship to write, because I just want her to be with a different guy. She will be, but she's not allowed to yet.

Word count goal: 36674
Actual word count: 34206

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