Saturday, November 05, 2005

NaNo - Day 5

Well, I worked this morning, went shopping with Tanya in the afternoon, then spent most of the rest of the day procrastinating. I felt pretty tired tonight and decided I didn't feel like driving for45 minutes to go to a superhero-themed birthday party. Instead I had a couple of drinks so that I could participate in National Drunk Writing Night with other writers from around the world. (It's not drinking alone if I know that there are also at least two other drunk writers out there at the same time as me, right? There was even a girl from South Dakota who started drinking later than I did.) It was a pretty productive writing night. I decided to go past my goal for today, because I wanted my wordcount to pass that of more Saskatchewan writers.

I think I've experienced my first plot bunny. My understanding is that a plot bunny is a story element that pops out of nowhere and places itself in your novel. Joel, if you're reading this, it involves you. My main character's best friend is in your first year English class and has something of a crush on you. She's not about to pursue anything, but my main character (Kaylea) was trying to push her into it. I'll keep you posted!

Word goal for today: 4500
Actual word count: 5359

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